Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A jikuzo-shi haiku, and excerpt from "JIKU".

A jikuzo-shi form of haiku

hanging blossoms

            inquiring      a fanned facade

                                          faning ignorance

(A Hiroshige woodblock print)

Monday, June 27, 2016

A jikuzo-shi & honkadori haiku, and excerpt from "JIKU".

A form of jikuzo-shi & honadori haiku

streaming throngs

drifting perfection      crests

foaming white      capped

(A Hokusai wood block print #74 Travelers climbing a Mountain path, 1835-6")

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Monday, June 6, 2016

A "JIKU" excerpt, available on iTunes

 Leafs bud in bloom
ripened foliage 

Fall leaves

Sunday, June 5, 2016

A JIKU excerpt

pale misty air

wood smoked rain, nature's musk

Up the Mtn

#166 from "Up the Mtn", available on iTunes, ISSUU.Com, & Blurb.Com (edited edition)

(Honkadoried from a Saigyo tanka)

the sound of field mice

gnawing through insulation

in this lonely hut

late night companions

scurring . . . pooping . . . on my roof

(Saigyo's original work below)

the sound of water

becomes my companion

in this lonely hut

while the mountain storm

pauses   pauses

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Ode to Muhammed Ali

butterfly . . . bee

float . . . sting . . . Ahh!   Ali 

"rumble young man   rumble"

© Keystone/Getty Images (above)
© Associated Press

Thursday, June 2, 2016

#170 from "Up the Mtn", available on iTunes, ISSU, & Blurb.com

clouds obscure the moon

stars keep my shadows at bay

an axe splits firewood

A Google + Community dialogue with Nicholas Klacsanzky in regards to this haiku

Nicholas:I was thinking the last two lines could make a nice juxtaposition:

stars keep
my shadows at bay
an axe splits firewood

MeA much more succinct take, I think I'll try adding the first line as a tanka. something like

Stars keep 
My shadows at bay
An axe splits firewood
obscuring the moon
patches of clouds

+Bukusai Ashagawa the ending, in my opinion, doesn't have such a strong effect. Maybe you could consider a different ending.

I hear u Nicholas, It is one I will look at editing, especially if I'm fortunate enough to have another edition published. I agree in does lose some of its punch on that last line. Yet still I think it is effective in a more sublte and subdued way then many haiku. I think it speaks to the wonderment of pausing and looking up for a moment and experiencing life in the woods, of seeing the moon & stars, obscure and shadow the world around you; then putting your head back down while raising an axe to continue with the mundane chore of spliting firewood. I think this is a matter of fact observation, and objective observation that is not magical, but just is, is an insight into life and the wonderment that exists along side us as we go about or daily chores. Nothing strong, powerful, or brilliant, just matter of fact in it's insightful, yet ordinary existence.